Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Killing :: First Thoughts :: Night 23

With less than 45 minutes of story remaining, it looks like Jamie, Michael Ames, or Chief Jackson is our killer—I'm not sure why Linden and Holder are zeroing in on Jamie when they just watched three people take the elevator to the tenth floor. But what else will the season [series?] finale bring? Time for The Killing final exam!

Question 1

In the Season 2 finale, will Det. Holder rhyme "yo" with ...
  1. to jail you go, bro!
  2. we're going to hurt you slooooow.
  3. drowning that girl was low, ya know?
  4. if I have to kick Chief Jackson one more time, I'm gonna break a toe!

Question 2

Will Mitch reunite the Larsen family by ...
  1. applying for a spot on the reality TV show It's Me or the Dog?
  2. bribing the boys with a pet parrot and a set of nunchucks so that they prefer her grilled cheese sandwiches to Aunt Terry's?
  3. committing suicide and giving sister Terry a ready-made family whose laundry she can fold ad nauseam?
  4. agreeing with Stan to move to a new house where she can plant a butterfly garden in the backyard in Rosie's memory

Question 3

Will Gwen ...
  1. breathe a sigh of relief that Linden and Holder quit watching the security footage once they spot Jamie in the elevator, thus missing her arrival?
  2. offer a quick prayer of thanks when Mayor Adams drops dead from a heart attack?
  3. apologize to her father before her poor choices completely ruin her future in politics?
  4. finally confess that she is carrying Darren's baby?

Question 4

Will Jamie ...
  1. go quietly in handcuffs after Linden and Holder arrest him?
  2. convince Grandpa Wright to dump Darren in the trunk of another campaign car that they push into a different lake?
  3. note what good shape he must be in if, after chasing Rosie through the woods all night, he still had the energy to work out at the city hall gym at 4 the next morning?
  4. toss the handgun he found in a drawer at campaign headquarters to Darren, who blows the little punk away?

Question 5

Will Det. Linden ...
  1. wake up next to Rick in Sonoma, California, trying to clear the fog of a really, really bad dream?
  2. find herself unable to stop the bleeding from Holder's bullet wound?
  3. discover "Bob" written on the steamy mirror in Holder's bathroom?
  4. find herself doodling leafless trees on Rosie's case file?

Question 6

How many characters will die in the Season 2 finale?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2

Question 7

In the Season 2 finale, death(s) will occur by ... [Pick all that apply.]
  1. dog bite
  2. bullet
  3. heart attack
  4. asphyxiation from carbon monoxide

Question 8

Will we finally learn that Rosie ...
  1. worked for Jamie?
  2. slept with Jamie?
  3. played basketball with Jamie?
  4. maddened Jamie because she was the type of girl who ignored him in high school?

Question 9

Will Darren ...
  1. finally ask Linden, "How's my boy Jack?"
  2. lose the election by a handful of votes because Belko, Terry, and the Larsens never made it to their polling place?
  3. throw Gwen under the bus to save Jamie?
  4. win the mayoral race?

Question 10

At the conclusion of the Season 2 finale, will we find ourselves saying ...
  1. How cool and unexpected!
  2. Wow, the citizens of Seattle have really gotten screwed!
  3. Who knew a bulldog had such powerful jaws?
  4. No one would murder a girl for overhearing that!


  1. A to Q 2: How will Mitch reunite the Larsen family?

    Mitch tells the two teletubbies that their auntie is a cylon, whereupon Tommy locks Terry up in the trunk of Stan's car. A drunken Bennet Ahmed, still mad at papa bear, steals the car and ends up right in a Vancouver, sorry Seattle lake. Both will never be found, unless AMC orders a third season.

    Mitch secretly disposes the bulldog. While the boys are at school the parents reunite by making love on the kitchen floor.

    P.S. The killer is of course Belko. Or CKR, he's a well-known cylon as well.

    1. Oh, Chris, I haven't laughed so hard in weeks! Thank you!

  2. Patiently waiting for your Final Thoughts - Night 24

    1. I hope to have it done before Saturday, but I am really slow! (I've been working on the review for Homicide: The Movie for over a year!
